Findings on the road to self transformation-What you Have is Not who you Are.

Andy Travis
6 min readApr 14, 2020
Photo by Felicia Buitenwerf on Unsplash

Finding 16: What you Have is NOT who you Are.

Sometimes like just now, while meditating you might have a sudden connection with your deeper self. You hear your breath and feel its depth of meaning.

You, for a fraction of a second feel life flowing in you.

It’s a very sacred moment. Time stops. i hope you get to feel it.

All that you hear is your own breath and its profundity bellowing in and out of you. And you doing nothing to control it.

You feel for a fraction the infinite energy in you directing your life. And you feel at peace that she resides in you. That feeling…even if for a fleeting moment…is who you essentially are. The you that truly matters.

The rest …everything else in life is what you Have. Not who you are.

You have traits of good and evil. In the depths of your being you have warmth and love and longing and you also have lust and deceit and deception. You have guilt and gratitude. You have greed and forgiveness. You have hate and harmony. You have hubris and you have humility. It’s all in you.

Because you are human. You have a body . You have muscles and bones and atoms and electrons. You have labels and titles. You have a…

